If you are unable reasonably to keep up with your repayments due to illness, injury, loss of employment, end of a relationship or other reasonable cause you may be able to apply to the creditor for a hardship variation.
To apply for a hardship variation, you need to:
Do this as soon as possible. If you leave it too long, the lender may not have to consider your application. Please note also that you may not make an application if when you entered the Loan Contract, the illness, injury, loss of employment, end of relationship or other reasonable cause was reasonably foreseeable to you. For example if you signed the Loan Contract after your employer told you that you were likely to be made redundant, it would be reasonably foreseeable that you might lose your job.
Did you know that if you are concerned about your financial situation you can ask for free and confidential budgeting and financial capability advice from Money Talks? This service is independent and is funded by the Ministry of Social Development.
Their contact details are:
Freephone: 0800 345123
Text: 4029
Email: help@moneytalks.co.nz
Website: www.moneytalks.co.nz